
Showing posts from March, 2018

Kohinoor Business School Vidyavihar students completed their CSR Project under Ashwamedh Foundation

     KBS Students completed their CSR Project under Ashwamedh Foundation    Ms. Aishwarya Shetty and Ms. Shraddha Sapaliga , MMS Students from Kohinoor Business Schools completed their CSR project under Ashwamedh Foundation. Today they submitted their Feedback forms to us. Sharing the feedback given by Aishwarya in this post.    Our Trustee Mr. Jitendra Patel handed over their 'Project Completion Certificate' given by Ashwamedh Foundation to them today after the last session.  Jitu & Blessy Name of Student /Intern :-    Ms. Aishwarya Shetty College: – Kohinoor Business School, Vidyavihar (west), Mumbai Purpose of Project: - For the purpose of CSR project work in the partial fulfilment required for the completion of MMS as prescribed by the university Mumbai.   Duration of Project: -    25 TH JANUARY to 24 TH MARCH 2018 Total Hrs on fieldwork: 2– 3 Hrs on every Saturday. Objectives of Project:   -     1.     

Bible Parables: Morale story for Kids

 Bible Parables: Morale story for Kids (Project Aakaar)  Rich Fool (Luke 12:16-21) Once upon a time there was a certain rich man who had a very big farm. There was a great harvest that year and his workers gathered lots of grain. -"How blessed I am! I am Rich!"-exclaimed this rich man. Suddenly one of his workers came to him: - "Sir, you've had such a good harvest. Can you spare a few bags of grain for our families?" -"No, I have to keep all I have for myself!" He thinks: -"But what shall I do? The harvest was so great that I have no room to store it in my barns. -Oh, no!! I may have to give some away! -Aha! I know what I'll do! …-I will pull down my old barns... -...and I will build  bigger  barns!....  -I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many riches stored up for many years. Take it easy, eat, drink, and be merry!"; But God said to him. You fool! Tonight you will die! Then what are you going to do with all those thin

Inspirational Stories from Mahabharata for Kids

Inspirational Stories from Mahabharata for Kids (Project Aakaar)  Story of Eklavya When Guru teaches his disciples he teaches them equally. That knowledge which he imparts to them is like clear water, whatever color you mix in it, water becomes of the same color. So the weapons are the same - Gadaa, or bow or sword, but when they are in different disciples' hands they take a different meaning, such as Gadaa is same, but when Bheem will take it, it will have different meaning, but when Duryodhan will take it, it will have a completely different meaning. Then what Guru can do? One day a child named Eklavya came to Drone and requested him to be his Guru for archery. Drone asked him - "Who are you?" Eklavya siaid - "I am Eklavya, the son of Hiranyadhanu, the king of Nishaad." Drone wouldn't take him as his disciple because he was not a Kshatriya, so he said - "Dear child, I cannot take you as my disciple because I am teaching to these Kshatriya pr

Insprirational Stories from Jataka Tales for Kids

Inspirational Stories from Jataka Tales for Kids (Project Aakaar)  The Young man who sold the dead mouse Once on a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares in Kasi, the Bodhisatta was born into the Treasurer's family, and growing up, was made Treasurer, being called Treasurer Little. A wise and clever man was he, with a keen eye for signs and omens. One day on his way to wait upon the king, he came on a dead mouse lying on the road ; ] and, taking note of the position of the stars at that moment, he said, "Any decent young fellow with his wits about him has only to pick that mouse up, and he might start a business and keep a wife."  His words were overheard by a young man of good family but reduced  circumstances, who said to himself, "That's a man who has always got a reason for what he says." And accordingly he picked up the mouse, which he sold for a farthing at a tavern for their cat. With the farthing he got molasses and took drinking water in

Inspirational Stories from Quran for Kids

 Inspirational Stories from Quran for Kids  (Project Aakaar) Story 1. A Lesson from Disabled People Once, a visitor was being shown around a leper colony in India. The colony was built to provide a shelter for those people who were poor and had various physical disabilities. At noon a gong (a metal disk that produces a sound when hit with a hammer) sounded to gather the inhabitants for the midday meal. People came from all parts of the compound to the dining hall. Suddenly, everyone started laughing at seeing two young men; one riding on the other's back, pretending to be a horse and a rider. They were having lots of fun. As the visitor watched, he was told that the man who carried his friend was blind, and the man being carried was lame (who couldn't walk). The one who couldn't see used his feet; the one who couldn't walk used his eyes. Together they helped each other and reached their destination. Let us use each other's strengths to make up for the weakness

Akbar and Birbal Stories for Kids compiled by Truptirani Tayade

INSPIRATIONAL STORIES                                         Here is a collection of some inspirational stories compiled by Asst. Prof. Truptirani Tayade for Project Aakaar of Ashwamedh Foundation. These stories can be used during Value Education sessions to teach students morale values and wisdom.  Akbar and Birbal   Story 1 - Question for Question One day Akbar asked Birbal, "Birbal, can you tell me how many bangles are on your wife's hand?"  Birbal said, "No, Huzoor, I cannot."  "You cannot. Although everyday you see her hand, still you cannot tell how many bangles are on her hand. How is that?" said Akbar. Birbal said, "Let's go to the garden, Your Majesty. And I will tell you "How is that" and they both went to the garden. They both went down a small staircase which led to the garden. After reaching in the garden Birbal asked, "You daily climb up and down this small staircase, could you tell how many steps i

Interview of Deepak Doddamani, Founder & President of Ashwamedh Foundation

Ms. Chhaya Chaudhary , a Third Year Journalism student from Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media studies interviewed Mr. Deepak Doddamani , Founder of Ashwamedh Foundation Team Ashwamedh with Students  Here is the full Interview  in Q & A format:  1.      What event made/influenced you to set up this NGO?     I have 6 yrs experience of running Coaching Classes in Mumbai. During that period, I came across many poor families who couldn’t afford tuition fees of their children. That time we taught about 25% of students in nominal – to – no fees while running our coaching classes. After completion of my MBA, I decided to do something for such underprivileged children’s Education. With some like-minded friends and students, I founded Ashwamedh Foundation on 1 st August 2012 in Virar to support Education and Development of Underprivileged Children.        2.Any personal experience regarding the problems faced by the economically backward class children

Project Ankur by Ashwamedh Foundation Lecture no. 20

Project Ankur by Ashwamedh Foundation Lecture no.20 Ashwamedh Foundation team is really thankful to all the donors who donated to Project Ankur. This was our 3rd year of Project Ankur. Students have definitely got benefited by our Flagship Program Project Ankur.  This Project was carried out under the guidance of trustees Mr. Abdul Hakim Ansari & Mr. Jitendra Patel. Project Co-ordinator Ms. Blessy Varghese handled all 20 sessions very well under the guidance of our Vice President and Operations head Ms. Sneha Sharma.  We are t hankful to Mrs. Das Madam, Mrs. Vartak Madam and all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Mulanche Samarth Vidyalay for providing us all the support needed to complete this project. We are thankful to our Donors, who are supporting us to carry on our Social work and keeping Ashwamedh Foundation 'alive and working'. It's only because of your love and support we have survived for more than 5 years. Keep supporting us ! Because to