Interview of Blessy Varghese, Project Co-ordinator of Ashwamedh Foundation

Ms.Blessy Varghese
Interviwer: Hello Blessy, thank you for sharing your story with us today on Women's Day.
Blessy: It's absolutely my pleasure. First of all let me wish Happy Women's day to all the women out there. I am Blessy Varghese and I am a part of Ashwamedh Foundation.

Interviewer: You completed your first Project as Project Co-coordinator with Ashwamedh Foundation. Can you please tell us more about your Journey?

Blessy: Sure. I joined Ashwamedh Foundation as a volunteer last year and I was promoted as a project coordinator for the Project Ankur(2017-18), a flagship project of Ashwamedh Foundation. 

Interviewer: Oh Ok, So how did you join Ashwamedh Foundation? 

Blessy:  Before I start telling you all about my journey in Ashwamedh Foundation, I would like to tell you something about me. I am from Ratlam and I came here to Mumbai for my GRE & TOEFL Coaching.  I used to work with an NGO in Ratlam as a teacher for few months after my 12th Std. After that I completed my Engineering and came to Mumbai to pursue my educational goal to crack GRE and TOEFL exams.

After my Engineering when I shifted to Mumbai with my family, I encountered the worst nightmare of my life - I was 'sitting idle' at home. I wanted to do so much more but I didn't knew anyone in the city, as a result I became very frustrated.  I joined classes for GRE and TOEFL and started my studies. Since I didn't have classes everyday I thought, I should do what I love the most - spend some  time in social work. I started looking for an opportunity and fortunately I met my elder sister's colleague Ms. Sneha Sharma, who is  an active member of Ashwamedh Foundation. Sneha was kind enough to invite me in their team and  my journey at Ashwamedh Foundation began.

Ms. Blessy Varghese. Project Co-ordinator of Project Ankur was felicitated by Ms. Sneha Sharma, Operations head of Ashwamedh Foundation and Mrs. Nandurani Das madam Principal of Mulanche Samarth Vidyalay for completing Project Ankur 2017-18 successfully. 

Interviewer: That's interesting. You joined Ashwamedh Foundation as a Volunteer first. How was your experience as Volunteer of Ashwamedh Foundation?

Blessy: Frankly speaking, I was so nervous thinking about how an introvert girl like me, in a city like Mumbai can work as a social worker. But somehow I encouraged myself and went for the first meeting with my team members. As a volunteer, my first session was on Women's day last year.Although I didn't do anything special but after that session I felt the feeling of contentment flowing through my soul. I mean being a part of such a kind act, made me feel happy and at peace. I was motivated and attended every session that was organised. I thought I was working selflessly ,but seeing my team members Abdul and Sneha I understoond the real meaning of selflessness. Mr.Abdul Hakim Ansari is Trustee and Treasure of Ashwamedh Foundation and Ms. Sneha Sharma is Operations head. They both work at night shifts in their jobs, still attends all the morning sessions of Project Ankur, without enough sleep. The level of dedication they have was totally admirable which made me work consistently for the children. 

Interviewer:  That's really praiseworthy. I am sure you might have learned a lot from them. Now tell me how did you became Project Co-ordinator for Project Ankur? What was your experience of handling your very first Project? 
Blessy: Project Ankur is a flagship program of Ashwamedh Foundation. It was 3rd year of Project Ankur. Initially it was planned that Ms. Rohini will co-ordinate this year's Project Ankur. But she got admission in B-School which made her quite busy in her academics. Managing Committee approved my name as a Project Co-ordinator of Project Ankur 2017-18 and I readily agreed to it.
     We carried out 20 sessions under Project Ankur this year. The happiness and satisfaction I got while teaching students is of another level. Interaction with the students of vernacular medium schools and orphanages has taught me a lot and today I can see my life with positive perspective. Even my operations head Sneha is younger than me. I learned so much from her and I now don't feel inferior asking suggestions from her. In that aspect I've really changed. Before joining, I used to hesitate taking suggestions especially from those who were younger than me. My life changed upside down after joining Ashwamedh Foundation. I can say "I feel more humane". I won't say social work is easy, but the end result that you get is more worth than money. 

Interviewer: It seems you are really enjoying working with Ashwamedh Foundation. Congratulations to you for completing Project Ankur successfully. What is your message for Women's Day? 

Blessy: Thank you very much. I am thankful to Mr. Deepak Doddamani, Founder of Ashwamedh Foundation who gave me this opportunity. Trustees of Ashwamedh Foundation Mr. Abdul Hakim Ansari and Mr. Jitendra Patel were really helpful throught out the project. Special thanks to Operations head Ms. Sneha Sharma to whom I reported directly. Sneha always boosted my confidence and brought out the best in me. It was really great year for me. I joined Ashwamedh Foundation on last Women's Day. Today on this Womens day I would like to say to every women out there "If you think you are weak or useless or somewhat like the old ME: step out of your comfort zone and give volunteering a try. It changed my life completely and I strongly believe it can change yours too . You can volunteer for the cause that draws your attention the most, that will motivate to give your best and make you a better person altogether. Find yourself before it's too late. We women have huge potential to make this world a better place. Happy Women's Day to all !"


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