Kohinoor Business School Vidyavihar students completed their CSR Project under Ashwamedh Foundation

     KBS Students completed their CSR Project under Ashwamedh Foundation 

  Ms. Aishwarya Shetty and Ms. Shraddha Sapaliga , MMS Students from Kohinoor Business Schools completed their CSR project under Ashwamedh Foundation. Today they submitted their Feedback forms to us. Sharing the feedback given by Aishwarya in this post. 

  Our Trustee Mr. Jitendra Patel handed over their 'Project Completion Certificate' given by Ashwamedh Foundation to them today after the last session. 

Jitu & Blessy

Name of Student /Intern :-   Ms. Aishwarya Shetty

College: – Kohinoor Business School, Vidyavihar (west), Mumbai

Purpose of Project: - For the purpose of CSR project work in the partial fulfilment required for the completion of MMS as prescribed by the university Mumbai.  

Duration of Project: -   25TH JANUARY to 24TH MARCH 2018

Total Hrs on fieldwork: 2– 3 Hrs on every Saturday.

Objectives of Project:  -    
1.     To understand how NGOs work and participate in their Projects.
2.     To interact with Girls of Orphanage, help the in their studies.
3.      To make students aware about ‘importance of education’

Details of activities:

We participated in Project Ankur by Ashwamedh Foundation

Lecture no.1 on 28th of January 2018:
It was ‘Introduction Day’ for us at Mulanche Samarth Vidyalay, Santacruz.
We introduced ourselves and told that we are here to help you in any way we can. For that we need your support. Be frank and comfortable to come up with all your difficulties in studies so that we can help you out.

Lecture no.2 on 29th of January 2018:
Uniform donation activity at Mulanche and Mulinche Samarth Vidyalay.
Ashwamedh Foundation donated School Uniforms to some selective poor students from both Mulanche (Boys) and Mulinche (Girls) Samarth Vidyalay Schools.  These students were chosen from 6th to 8th Std. by their School Principals.

Lecture no. 3 on 3rd of February 2018:
Ashwamedh Foundation participated in Anti-tobacco campaign of Mulanche Samarth Vidyalay. It was fun session that day. We played Dumcharades with students after the event. This was fun Group activity.
   We even asked students about their understanding on how tobacco, alcohol and smoking is injurious to health?  Students were made to stand on their own place and one by one express their own thoughts and views on tobacco, and we got very good response from them.

Lecture no 4 On 6th of February 2018
 It was a last session on Project Ankur, a flagship program of Ashwamedh Foundation. On that day we took revision of alphabets, phonetics poems, words etc. We took basics of calculations of maths like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, methods of finding out profit and loss etc. All this took the entire time of our sessions of 2hrs and we ended our day little early because that day students that their some functions in their school, which they were supposed to attain. So this day ended short.

Five -Sessions project at an Orphanage for Girls  in Santacruz:

Ashwamedh Foundation has partnered  an NGO in Santacruz which runs drugs rehabilitation centre and orphanage for Boys and Girls. We were assigned  a 5-sessions project with Orphanage of Girls by our Project Guide Ms. Sneha Sharma.
Lecture no.1 on 24th February 2018:
It was just an introduction day. We introduced ourselves to Girls and made them introduce themselves to us. On first day we made them comfortable with us by having a random talk. Later we noted down all the topics which they wanted us to teach them.

Lecture no.2 on 3rd of March 2018:
This session was about basic words framing session for 4th -5th STD girls. We taught girls how to create proper sentences in English.
Lecture no.3 on 10th of March 2018:
      On 10th march we took session of 7th and 8th STD students. These girls had difficulties on English Grammar. We helped them in basics concepts of Grammar wiz. How to recognize Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, and Adverb from a sentence?  We explained them how to recognise tense in a sentence where it is a past, present or future tense?  

Lecture no. 4 on 17th of March 2018:
On 17th March we took sessions of 8th-9th STD students. These girls had difficulties in Grammar, so we took sessions on Grammar. I taught them question tag, identify subject predicate and letter writing. And after this session I also took sessions for 4th-5th STD student’s reading like chapters and poems.

Lecture no.5 on 24th March 2018
This was the last session taken by us on 24th March. On this day it was just brushing of all the topics taken before, and we at last we did a sweet good bye to all for NGO girls students and Team Ashwamedh. A good and a pleasure time spend with them at this journey. I didn’t realised when the time passed and we finished so many sessions but every session had given me a different learning. Good time spend!


 In Mulinche Samarth Vidyalaya Santacruz, Girls comes from very poor financial background.  There are some girls who feel education is of no use, they feel working at home is better than studying. I feel they need good counselling. Some motivational lectures should be kept for them so that they can understand importance of education.

Feedback to Ashwamedh Foundation Team
·        The donation of uniform was really good activity but I feel we too should scrutinize Children rather than completely depending on the selection criteria used by the headmaster of school.
·        If possible try to spread awareness about your Foundation, as very less number of people knows about it.
·        Ashwamedh Foundation should increase its number of Volunteers and reach many more students. They are doing fantastic job.

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity. It was great experience working with Ashwamedh Foundation.

Aishwarya shetty


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