Project 'Aakar' Introduction Lecture

Project 'Aakaar' Introduction lecture

Ashwamedh Foundation started 'Project AAKAR' in Mulinche Samarth Vidyalay, Vidyanagari Santacruz this Saturday. In the Introduction lecture an activity 'Introduce yourselves with a Pictorial depiction of your personality' was carried out. Everyone draw a picture of an object which represents them & their personality. First Team Members of Ashwamedh Foundation introduced themselves and explained how they depicted their personalities with the drawing in their hands. And then one by one all the girls introduced their personalities through the Pictorial depiction. 

Everyone is Unique;
Everyone is Important;
And if you have positive approach towards life; you will always associate yourselves with Positive objects. 
These were some of the crucial lessons given to Students through this activity. 
In the end Deepak Sir concluded the lecture by explaining them the topics which we will cover in Project Aakar in coming days.


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