Daan Utsav 2015


      Daan Utsav or Joy Of Giving Week 2015 was celebrated by Ashwamedh Foundation with Students of Mulanche Samarth Vidyalaya in the JoGW (2nd Oct - 8th Oct). We are running our Project Ankur in same school; so we preffered to celebrate JoGW'15 with same students to whom we are teaching English. On 15th Lecture of Project Ankur Project Co-ordinator Sneha and team of Volunteers took revision of whatever they have taught to children in previous 14 lectures. 
     After the lecture Operations head of Ashwamedh Foundation distributed some books amongst the students followed by some snacks and cold-drinks. Team Ashwamedh Foundation also involved School teachers and non-teaching staff in this celebrations. Thanks to Donor from Banglore Mr. Sharma who donated this JoGW Celebration Party to Kids. 


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